Many of the published papers below are available through Research Gate or Google Scholar but you may also contact me directly for a pdf.
Stewart, T., J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns, C.A. Phillips, M.J. Dreslik. 2023. Estimating the Effort Required to Detect Kirtland’s Snake (Clonophis kirtlandii). Wildlife Society Bulletin 47 (4) e1498.
Crawford, J.A., W.E. Peterman, A.R. Kuhns, and C.A. Phillips. 2023. Effectiveness of Rapid Sampling Assessments for Wetland-breeding Amphibians. Ecological Indicators 154 (2023) 110736
Phillips, C.A., J.A. Crawford, and A.R. Kuhns. 2022. Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois. Second Edition. University of Illinois Press. Champaign, IL.
King, R. B., C.K. Golba, G.A. Glowacki, and A.R. Kuhns. 2021. Blanding’s Turtle Demography and Population Viability. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12:112-138; e1944-687X.
Kastle, M., J. Kapfer, A.R. Kuhns, W. Graser, G. Glowacki, A. Ibach, L Mitchem, J. Mozuch, N. Rudolph, K. Rutzen, and R. King. 2021. Blanding’s Turtle Hatchling Survival and Movements Following Natural vs. Artificial Incubation. Journal of Herpetology 55: 167-173.
Edmunds, D., A.R. Kuhns, and M.J. Dreslik. 2020. Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) Growth and the Impacts of Invasive Vegetation Removal. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 15: 588-596.
Thompson, D., G. Glowacki, D. Ludwig, R. Reklau, A.R. Kuhns, C.K. Golba, R. King. 2020. Benefits of head-starting for Blanding's Turtle size distributions and recruitment. Wildlife Society Bulletin. doi. 10.1002/wsb.1054
Adamovicz, L., D.B. Woodburn, S.Vittueta Herrera, K. Low, C.A. Phillips, A.R. Kuhns, J.A. Crawford, and M.C. Allender. 2019, Characterization of Dermotheca sp. infection in a midwestern state-endangered salamander (Ambystoma platineum) and a co-occurring common species (Ambystoma texanum). Parasitology. doi.
Shepard, D.B. and A.R. Kuhns. 2017. Shifting rivers and stationary ground: biogeographic history of slimy salamanders on an isolated river bluff in the Mississippi River. Journal of Zoology. doi 10.01111/jzo.12514
Crawford, J.A., C.A. Phillips, W.E. Peterman, I.E. McAllister, NA.. Wasserlund, A.R. Kuhns, and M.J. Dreslik. 2017. Chytrid infection dynamics in cricket frogs on military and private lands in the midwestern United States. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8:344-352. doi I- 10.3996/012017-JFMW-003.
Anthonysamy, W.J.B., M.J. Dreslik, M.R. Douglas, D. Thompson, G.M. Klut, A.R. Kuhns, D. Mauger, D. Kirk, G.A. Glowacki, M.E. Douglas, C.A. Phillips. 2017. Population genetic evaluations within a co-distributed taxonomic group: a multi-species approach to conservation planning. Animal Conservation doi- 10.1111/acv.12365.
Feng, C.Y., A.R. Kuhns, B.J. Baum, M.R. Walder, J.M. Lesco, and T. Esker. 2017. New county distribution records of aquatic turtles in south-central Illinois. Herpetological Review 48: 820-821.
Shepard, D.B., N. Ledbetter, A.L. Anderson and A.R. Kuhns. 2016. Molecular phylogeographic methods reveal the identity and origin of a Dusky Salamander (Genus Plethodon) population in southern Illinois. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11: 434-450.
Crawford, J.A., W.E. Peterman, A.R. Kuhns, and L.S. Eggert. 2016. Altered functional connectivity and genetic diversity of a threatened salamander in an agroecosystem. Landscape Ecology 31: 2231-2244.
Kessler, E.M., A.R. Kuhns, C.M. Rhoden, C.A. Phillips, C.E. Cook, , A.K. Keigher, and J.A. Crawford. 2015. New county records of reptiles and amphibians from managed properties in Illinois. Herpetological Review 46:603-604.
Crawford, J.A., A.R. Kuhns, M.J. Meyer. 2015. Population ecology of the northern slimy salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) in east-central Illinois. The Journal of North American Herpetology 2015:17-21.
Kessler, E.M., A.R. Kuhns, J.A. Crawford, C.A. Phillips, E.M. Wright, W.J. Banning-Anthonysamy, T. Esker, J. Gillespe, L.J. Jacques, R.S. Saffer. 2013. New County Records of Reptiles and Amphibians from State Managed Properties in East-Central Illinois. Herpetological Review 44: 286-288.
Peterman, W.E., J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns. 2013. Using species distribution and occupancy modeling to guide survey efforts and assess species status. Journal for Nature Conservation. 21: 114-121.
McAllister, C.T., C.R. Bursey, J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns, C. Shaffer and S.E. Trauth. 2010. Metacercariae of Clinostomum (Trematoda:Digenea) from three species of Ambystoma (Caudata: Ambystomatidae) from Arkansas and Illinois, U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology 77: 25-30.
Allender, M.C, M. Abd-Eldaim, A.R. Kuhns, and M. Kennedy. 2009. Absence of Ranavirus and Herpesvirus in a survey of two aquatic turtle species in Illinois. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 19: 16-20.
2009 McAllister, C.T., J.A. Crawford, and A.R. Kuhns. 2009. Myxidium serotinum (Protista: Myxozoa) from a Jefferson Salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum), in Illinois. Texas Journal of Science 61: 61-64.
2008 Shepard, D.B., A.R. Kuhns, M.J. Dreslik, and C.A. Phillips. 2008. Roads as barriers to animal movement in fragmented landscapes. Animal Conservation 11:288-296.
Kuhns, A.R. and J.A. Crawford. 2008. Ambystoma tigrinum (Tiger Salamander): Clark Co, IL: County Record. Herpetological Review 39: 231.
Petzing, J.E., J.M. Mui, M.J. Dreslik, A.R. Kuhns, D.B. Shepard, C.A. Phillips, J.K. Tucker, J.K. Warner, D. Mauger, T.G. Anton, T.R. Hunkapiller, B.C. Jellen, and R. Cosgriff. 2007. Filling in the Gaps II: New Illinois amphibian and reptile county records from 2000 — 2005. Herpetological Review 38: 240-243.
Dreslik, M.J., A.R. Kuhns, and C.A. Phillips. 2005. Structure and composition of a southern Illinois freshwater turtle assemblage. Northeastern Naturalist 12: 173-186.
Kuhns, A.R., and J.A. Crawford. 2004. New amphibian and reptile county records for Pulaski County, Illinois. Herpetological Review 35: 419-420.
Dreslik, M.J., A.R. Kuhns, C.A. Phillips and B.C. Jellen. 2003. Summer home range and movements of the Cooter turtle, Pseudemys concinna in Illinois. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4: 706-710.
Anton, T.G., D. Mauger, C.A. Phillips, M.J. Drezlik, J.E. Petzing, A.R. Kuhns, and J. Mui. 2003. Life History Notes: Clonophis kirtlandii (Kirtland’s watersnake) aggregating behavior and site fidelity. Herpetological Review 34: 248-249.
Petzing, J.E., J.M. Mui, M.J. Dreslik, C.A. Phillips, D.B. Shepard, J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns, M.J. Meyer, T.G. Anton, E.O. Moll, J.G. Palis, and D. Mauger. 2002. Filling in the gaps I: New county records for amphibians and reptiles in Illinois. Herpetological Review 33: 327-330.
Petzing, J.E., M.J. Dreslik, C.A. Phillips, C.D. Smith, A.R. Kuhns, D.B. Shepard, J.G. Palis, E.O. Moll, D.J. Olson, T.G. Anton, D. Maguer, and B. Kingsbury. 2000. New county records in Illinois. Herpetological Review 31: 189-194.
Dreslik, M.J., and A.R. Kuhns. 2000. Early season basking in the red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Sciences 93: 215-220.
Stewart, T., J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns, C.A. Phillips, M.J. Dreslik. 2023. Estimating the Effort Required to Detect Kirtland’s Snake (Clonophis kirtlandii). Wildlife Society Bulletin 47 (4) e1498.
Crawford, J.A., W.E. Peterman, A.R. Kuhns, and C.A. Phillips. 2023. Effectiveness of Rapid Sampling Assessments for Wetland-breeding Amphibians. Ecological Indicators 154 (2023) 110736
Phillips, C.A., J.A. Crawford, and A.R. Kuhns. 2022. Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois. Second Edition. University of Illinois Press. Champaign, IL.
King, R. B., C.K. Golba, G.A. Glowacki, and A.R. Kuhns. 2021. Blanding’s Turtle Demography and Population Viability. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12:112-138; e1944-687X.
Kastle, M., J. Kapfer, A.R. Kuhns, W. Graser, G. Glowacki, A. Ibach, L Mitchem, J. Mozuch, N. Rudolph, K. Rutzen, and R. King. 2021. Blanding’s Turtle Hatchling Survival and Movements Following Natural vs. Artificial Incubation. Journal of Herpetology 55: 167-173.
Edmunds, D., A.R. Kuhns, and M.J. Dreslik. 2020. Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) Growth and the Impacts of Invasive Vegetation Removal. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 15: 588-596.
Thompson, D., G. Glowacki, D. Ludwig, R. Reklau, A.R. Kuhns, C.K. Golba, R. King. 2020. Benefits of head-starting for Blanding's Turtle size distributions and recruitment. Wildlife Society Bulletin. doi. 10.1002/wsb.1054
Adamovicz, L., D.B. Woodburn, S.Vittueta Herrera, K. Low, C.A. Phillips, A.R. Kuhns, J.A. Crawford, and M.C. Allender. 2019, Characterization of Dermotheca sp. infection in a midwestern state-endangered salamander (Ambystoma platineum) and a co-occurring common species (Ambystoma texanum). Parasitology. doi.
Shepard, D.B. and A.R. Kuhns. 2017. Shifting rivers and stationary ground: biogeographic history of slimy salamanders on an isolated river bluff in the Mississippi River. Journal of Zoology. doi 10.01111/jzo.12514
Crawford, J.A., C.A. Phillips, W.E. Peterman, I.E. McAllister, NA.. Wasserlund, A.R. Kuhns, and M.J. Dreslik. 2017. Chytrid infection dynamics in cricket frogs on military and private lands in the midwestern United States. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8:344-352. doi I- 10.3996/012017-JFMW-003.
Anthonysamy, W.J.B., M.J. Dreslik, M.R. Douglas, D. Thompson, G.M. Klut, A.R. Kuhns, D. Mauger, D. Kirk, G.A. Glowacki, M.E. Douglas, C.A. Phillips. 2017. Population genetic evaluations within a co-distributed taxonomic group: a multi-species approach to conservation planning. Animal Conservation doi- 10.1111/acv.12365.
Feng, C.Y., A.R. Kuhns, B.J. Baum, M.R. Walder, J.M. Lesco, and T. Esker. 2017. New county distribution records of aquatic turtles in south-central Illinois. Herpetological Review 48: 820-821.
Shepard, D.B., N. Ledbetter, A.L. Anderson and A.R. Kuhns. 2016. Molecular phylogeographic methods reveal the identity and origin of a Dusky Salamander (Genus Plethodon) population in southern Illinois. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11: 434-450.
Crawford, J.A., W.E. Peterman, A.R. Kuhns, and L.S. Eggert. 2016. Altered functional connectivity and genetic diversity of a threatened salamander in an agroecosystem. Landscape Ecology 31: 2231-2244.
Kessler, E.M., A.R. Kuhns, C.M. Rhoden, C.A. Phillips, C.E. Cook, , A.K. Keigher, and J.A. Crawford. 2015. New county records of reptiles and amphibians from managed properties in Illinois. Herpetological Review 46:603-604.
Crawford, J.A., A.R. Kuhns, M.J. Meyer. 2015. Population ecology of the northern slimy salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) in east-central Illinois. The Journal of North American Herpetology 2015:17-21.
Kessler, E.M., A.R. Kuhns, J.A. Crawford, C.A. Phillips, E.M. Wright, W.J. Banning-Anthonysamy, T. Esker, J. Gillespe, L.J. Jacques, R.S. Saffer. 2013. New County Records of Reptiles and Amphibians from State Managed Properties in East-Central Illinois. Herpetological Review 44: 286-288.
Peterman, W.E., J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns. 2013. Using species distribution and occupancy modeling to guide survey efforts and assess species status. Journal for Nature Conservation. 21: 114-121.
McAllister, C.T., C.R. Bursey, J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns, C. Shaffer and S.E. Trauth. 2010. Metacercariae of Clinostomum (Trematoda:Digenea) from three species of Ambystoma (Caudata: Ambystomatidae) from Arkansas and Illinois, U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology 77: 25-30.
Allender, M.C, M. Abd-Eldaim, A.R. Kuhns, and M. Kennedy. 2009. Absence of Ranavirus and Herpesvirus in a survey of two aquatic turtle species in Illinois. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 19: 16-20.
2009 McAllister, C.T., J.A. Crawford, and A.R. Kuhns. 2009. Myxidium serotinum (Protista: Myxozoa) from a Jefferson Salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum), in Illinois. Texas Journal of Science 61: 61-64.
2008 Shepard, D.B., A.R. Kuhns, M.J. Dreslik, and C.A. Phillips. 2008. Roads as barriers to animal movement in fragmented landscapes. Animal Conservation 11:288-296.
Kuhns, A.R. and J.A. Crawford. 2008. Ambystoma tigrinum (Tiger Salamander): Clark Co, IL: County Record. Herpetological Review 39: 231.
Petzing, J.E., J.M. Mui, M.J. Dreslik, A.R. Kuhns, D.B. Shepard, C.A. Phillips, J.K. Tucker, J.K. Warner, D. Mauger, T.G. Anton, T.R. Hunkapiller, B.C. Jellen, and R. Cosgriff. 2007. Filling in the Gaps II: New Illinois amphibian and reptile county records from 2000 — 2005. Herpetological Review 38: 240-243.
Dreslik, M.J., A.R. Kuhns, and C.A. Phillips. 2005. Structure and composition of a southern Illinois freshwater turtle assemblage. Northeastern Naturalist 12: 173-186.
Kuhns, A.R., and J.A. Crawford. 2004. New amphibian and reptile county records for Pulaski County, Illinois. Herpetological Review 35: 419-420.
Dreslik, M.J., A.R. Kuhns, C.A. Phillips and B.C. Jellen. 2003. Summer home range and movements of the Cooter turtle, Pseudemys concinna in Illinois. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4: 706-710.
Anton, T.G., D. Mauger, C.A. Phillips, M.J. Drezlik, J.E. Petzing, A.R. Kuhns, and J. Mui. 2003. Life History Notes: Clonophis kirtlandii (Kirtland’s watersnake) aggregating behavior and site fidelity. Herpetological Review 34: 248-249.
Petzing, J.E., J.M. Mui, M.J. Dreslik, C.A. Phillips, D.B. Shepard, J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns, M.J. Meyer, T.G. Anton, E.O. Moll, J.G. Palis, and D. Mauger. 2002. Filling in the gaps I: New county records for amphibians and reptiles in Illinois. Herpetological Review 33: 327-330.
Petzing, J.E., M.J. Dreslik, C.A. Phillips, C.D. Smith, A.R. Kuhns, D.B. Shepard, J.G. Palis, E.O. Moll, D.J. Olson, T.G. Anton, D. Maguer, and B. Kingsbury. 2000. New county records in Illinois. Herpetological Review 31: 189-194.
Dreslik, M.J., and A.R. Kuhns. 2000. Early season basking in the red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Sciences 93: 215-220.